Taking an Inward Turn
Free Annual Reflection Template | Reflecting on 2023 | Writing Community Pre-Launch | Travel Musings
Kon'nichiwa from Osaka, Japan!
You opened this... even in that Christmas to end of year period…
In case you only have 10-15 seconds of attention today before your next digital happening, might I suggest taking just 15 seconds to ask yourself:
What’s 1 intention you can bring into your final week of 2023?
If you have 2 more minutes today, here’s 3 quick updates to round out the year:
#1: Family + Writing Time in November
In November, I enjoyed spending time with family in Florida, celebrating my mom’s birthday, and soaking up the sunshine before spending almost all of December traveling Japan.
Two professional highlights were co-hosting a themed Salon Dinner and leading a mini writing cohort for 20 people (see #3).

#2: Reflecting on 2023 + planning for an even better 2024
If you’re into taking an inward turn, but not sure where to start, you’re in luck…
Here’s a link to my free Year End Review after analyzing 15+ others.

I’ve gone full reflection mode and have enjoyed the process over the past several weeks. This has been a helpful, rewarding process the past 2 years I’ve done it, and hope to keep this ritual up for the rest of my life. After all…
Experience + Reflection = Growth
#3: A focus of 2024: Helping Others Discover Writing
While we’re on the topic of writing… In November, I lead 20 people through my first “14 Day Reflective Writing Challenge”, and it was so damn rewarding.
I knew I was onto something after hanging up on our Kickoff call at 630pm on a Wednesday night. Despite running late for an event after a full day of work, I felt like I’d taken a triple espresso shot.
This led me to realize that I get fired up helping people integrate writing into their already busy lives for the endless use cases it serves. This includes simply writing for the most important audience, yourself.
I’m eager to help thousands leverage writing to step into the best versions of themselves… I’ll have more updates for you soon in 2024 ;).
Until then, enjoy your end of year and:
Be present, transforming the ordinary moments into extraordinary
Tell your loved ones you love and appreciate them (I love you Mom, Dad, Elliot)
To my friends in SF, Florida, and “Internet friends” whose relationships have blossomed into fuller friendships - I’m grateful for you.
To my readers - thanks for letting me share some parts of this life with you and supporting along this journey

Wishing you your best year ahead.
✨ Endnote: Traveling with Intentionality
I’m publishing this from Osaka - currently 15 days into 20 days in Japan.
As I’ve turned inwards and wrote purely for myself to savor the exploration of the other side of the world… I’m seeing a few categories emerge. and now that I’m seeing a few of the categories / patterns emerge,I’d love your feedback.
Should I write a full essay on any of these themes once stateside again?
Mindfulness and Zen Beliefs: Lessons from Zen practices and mindfulness in everyday life. What ancient human truths are waiting to be rediscovered when visiting shrines, learning about the rich history and culture here?
About Japan + the World outside of my American bubble: Observations on cultural differences, the power of rituals, attention to detail, global connectivity, and more.
Traveling Well / Travel Hacks: Tips and experiences using AI as a travel companion and other travel insights, from a place of gratitude for modern technology in 2023 making travel seamless and accessible
About Writing + The Creative Process: Experiences and realizations about the writing process and content creation process while maintaining a full-time job as I gear up to launch on TikTok to drive traffic for a new brand...
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How can I make these more insightful to you? Let me know in the comments, by email, on Twitter or on LinkedIn.
Would love to hear more about your bubbles inside and outside of the US!
Like you, I’m away from home right now, and experiencing the habits and foibles of people from different parts of the world as they chat over breakfast, amble up to the buffet spreads, coming back laden with pastries and granola and freshly squeezed juices. Endlessly fascinating!
Here’s to a great 2024!