Welcome back to Saks Snacks 👋,
If you’re ready to get 1% closer to your best self, here’s what we got:
🧠 Nervous System Nugget: Box Breathing (interactive)
💭 Reflection of the week: The Delicate Dance of Striving and Contentment
🗣Community Insight of the Week: “Running a marathon was easy because…”
💭 Reflection of the Week - The Delicate Dance of Striving and Contentment
I previously shared a beautiful poem that unveiled the secret to living an extraordinary life - by transforming ordinary moments into masterpieces.
We can all live extraordinary lives by making ordinary things extraordinary, which requires living purely in the moment.
This is at the heart of any self-improvement journey - savoring the mundane, relishing in every single detail.
Even editing this newsletter, a task I typically dread, gives me a reframing opportunity. At 9:29:58 pm on Wednesday, September 27th, I’m now savoring each keystroke and deleted word.
Learning the power of presence
I first tasted deep presence on the baseball diamond, rekindled it on the yoga mat, but I must admit… it’s easy to lose this cherished presence in the chaos of daily life. I intend on “relearning” deep presence every single day.
It’s been helpful to think through where I was most present in my younger days to reconstruct similar environments to tap back into these flow states.
On the baseball diamond: I’d get into deep flow states on the mound or at the plate, that alluring feeling of “being in the zone”. It led me to research flow states at length and confirmed my identity as a Flow Chasing Monkey.
I relearned presence on the yoga mat when a girl I had a crush on introduced me to yoga when I was 21. Little did I know my body would physically need yoga 6 months later as a part of my PT protocol after getting surgery my Senior year season. Little did I know the purpose of my flow would transition to deep presence 5 years later
Where I fail to be present: Let me be clear, I’m far from perfect. I’ve learned the importance of presence by failing to be present.
Let’s not have regrets. Here’s a few thought-provoking prompts…
Relearning Presence: Where in your life have you tasted pure presence before, and how can you recreate those environments or conditions to tap into that sensation again?
Ordinary Moments: Think back to this week. What was one ordinary moment you experienced that could be transformed into something extraordinary if viewed with presence?
Presence Obstacles: Identify one daily task or moment where you often find your mind wandering. How could you approach this task differently to cultivate a deeper presence?
🧠 Nervous System Nugget: Box Breathing
On a scale of 0-100, how present are you right now?
If elite forces use box breathing to tactically regulate, shouldn’t you tap into its benefits too? I leverage breath control to reattach myself to the present.
Don’t just take my word for it… try this Box Breathing gif challenge:
Can you concentrate solely on the gif for 1 cycle? 2?
How about amping up the sharpness of your inhale? How about closing your eyes and breathing for 3 cycles?
Share your experience below!
The downside to tech…
Everyday in SF I see people desperate for a nervous system reboot. I see hamsters on a wheel, unable to find time to disconnect.
You and I both are susceptible to these ‘hamster moments’. Next time you recognize yourself in one of ‘em, return to this simple protocol.
Protocol - Box Breathing:
Breathe in intentionally for a 4 count.
Hold for a 4 count.
Breathe out for a 4 count.
Hold for a 4 count.
🗣 Community Insight of the Week
I ran my 4th marathon a few weeks ago. This was by far the most special one because my mom and some friends were at the finish line.

One of my favorite (race day) routines is to sit down with my coffee, Ezekial bread, banana, peanut butter and chia seeds, and of course my laptop… to reflect about the past 4 months of training…
So at 457am on race day, I sat by the Hyatt Regency Fire and reflected.
Immense gratitude overflowed - for my physical and mental health, for my ability to test my body’s limits, and so much more. Below you’ll find 4 reflections, and if you prefer to listen, check out the audio reflection below (and leave a 5 ⭐ review if you’re feeling generous).
Community Can Lift us Up: Why did my recent marathon feel almost effortless? This was my 4th go around, and it was kind of… easy. Partially because I’d slowly built an aerobic base, but mainly thanks to the robust community in SF that stood by me through training, recovery, and those demanding high-volume weeks. It’s this power of community that reaffirms my belief: with the right tribe around you, achieving whatever shared health/fitness goals becomes not just possible, but a shared celebration.
Gratitude - I was overwhelmed with gratitude. That my mom was able to watch my race and we could have a weekend filled with quality time together, walk Stanford’s campus, see a concert together, have friends’ support, and for my ancestors’ sacrifices to allow myself to live such a privileged life.
Resilience and Survivalism - thinking of my grandmother and her stories of survival, I felt a deeper connection to the strength and resilience that’s been passed down through generations. Running for an extended period of time pales in comparison to fleeing a country multiple times, and I tapped into the same spirit of survival, the same determination that kept my family going.
Mindful Presence - in the midst of all the introspection, I had a simple call to myself. To be present, to truly experience every sensation every mile of the marathon. It wasn’t about completing it, it was about being truly present in every moment, every challenge, every step.
✨ That’s a Wrap
As always, I appreciate your feedback on Saks Snacks.
If you enjoyed this edition, would you mind giving the heart below a click and share it with a friend? They and you can always unsubscribe using the link below.
How can I make it more insightful to you? Let me know in the comments, by email, on Twitter or on LinkedIn.
Wishing you a creative week ahead.
I love this Adam! Thank you for sharing. Presence is so important. I find it's so easy to get away from, but at the same time, so easy to be "present" if you intentionally practice it and can create a much more fulfilling life. Enjoyed reading this and the thought-provoking prompts.
Love reading all of your emails. I tried the breathing technique, it worked. I like the photo of you and Mom.