Saks Snacks #32 - Wisdom in the Present Moment, AI Writing, Building Better Systems
Wishing you a happy and healthy 2023
Hi friends from Fort Lauderdale, FL 👋,
As we wrap up this holiday season, I wanted to thank you for reading and learning alongside me in 2022.
In 2023, I’ll be sharing even more mid/long-form articles, like our exploration of flow states, our dopamine destiny, alcohol consumption, breathwork, writing (creating) as a tuning fork, and Embracing our Identity Play-Doh.
In today’s edition, we'll explore curation of your “information diet”, building better systems, AI's role in writing, and focusing on our presence in the last few moments of 2022. All of the “snacks” (articles) that I’d originally linked can wait til’ the new year.
👨💻 Bites of the Week (x2)
Intentionally creating your information diet is critical to digital survival in 2023 as the information age continues peaking. Here are 2 thought-provoking tweets.
#1: Reminder to build better systems
“You don’t rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the levels of your systems.”
We’ve all heard this James Clear quote which reinforces the importance of systems. Systems are the tools and processes that support us in achieving any of our goals. Any goal or area I’d like to progress in in 2023 better have a system…
Here’s a “health systems” question I’ve been reflecting on the past 3 months:
What health habits can I dial in right now in daily life that I will thank myself for in a decade? In 20 years? In 50 years?

Our environments are the invisible hands that shape any behavior change. Ahead of all the “new year new me” promises, figured this is a helpful reminder.
#2: AI Writing
I started tinkering with AI writing tools in October when reading this…

Nat was referencing Lex - I’d been tinkering with Moonbeam, and the last few weeks you’ve likely seen people swooning over Chatgpt.
So what do I think?
AI will change writing and other creative fields… forever. It’s reinforced a truth I’ve realized for the last year and a half:
You don’t need to be 100% original to write online. You must simply collect the ancient principles and restore and repackage them in the best way possible. The most impactful insights are ancient - they stand the test of time.
Accepting this truth helped me simply get started and launch my publication a year and a half ago and expand into ghostwriting too. There’s some new kids on the block that are making this easier than ever and I’m eager to keep up.
AI writing tools will augment human creativity to another dimension, but it won’t diminish the need for compelling writing.
💥 Spark Moment of the Week - from Jan ‘20
This quote grabbed my attention then… and feels especially relevant now concluding a year that’s flown by.
1/24/20: Wisdom is revealed in the present moment. Our job as humans is to increase the frequency of time spent in the present moment, if we want to experience of the human condition. It comes down to now.
I hope we all embraced the present moment this holiday season, fully immersing ourselves in the beauty and joy it has to offer.
✨Endnote + Calls to action
Let me know what you thought! Please share any and all feedback - I hope to hear from you.
You’ve consistently given feedback that you want to feel more of me come across in these writings - to share about my own personal experiences - I look forward to doing so more in the year ahead.
😍 Loved | 😄 Great | 🙂 Good | 🙁 Meh | 😠 Bad
Wishing you a creative 2023,